What’s underlying the municipalism movement? What have we lived since 15M (Spanish Occupy)? How did we get to the point to try to get back the institutions? What are the experiences agents deeply involved in these parties have been living these months?
The Lunch will be a 30 minutes documentary which will try to answer these and other questions through the experiences of Gala Pin (Barcelona en comú), Francisco Jurado (Demo 4.0, OpEuribor), Marta Cruells (Barcelona en comú), Pablo Carmona (Ganemos Madrid) and Guillermo Zapata (Ahora Madrid).
A set of 20 interviews. Here, we try to answer two questions: “What are the material living conditions of anonymous people who is taking part in the municipalism movement?” and “How is this story being told?”. The first one, through 5 accompaniments to people working on a high profile in municipalism while they are suffering precarity and crisis effects. We would like to accompany (also accompany in terms of “go with food”) during a full day to showing how this people are really involved, even though they are precarious and vulnerables.
The second one, through 15 in- depth interview with people who are working in front line of municipalism, people who also has a lot of previous experience in political activism.
This action will answer the question ‘how did we get here?’. It will be a physical map produced by the drawer María Castelló which will point out the important events happened in the last four years that, in some way, have driven us here. For example: 15M movement, general strikes, Marches for Dignity, etc. This map will get the idea of cooking through the visual approach of a combination plate. It will be printed to present it and distribute it during the festival.
Download: PNG (1,6mb) | TIFF RGB (101,0 mb) | TIFF CMYK (134,7mb)
(Del lat. institutĭo, -ōnis).
vecino, na.
(Del lat. vicīnus, de vicus, barrio, lugar).
(Del lat. commūnis).
(Del ár. hisp. *bárri ‘exterior’, y este del ár. clás. barrī ‘salvaje’).
(Del lat. vertīgo, -ĭnis, movimiento circular).
Lucas Tello is a media-maker from Seville and is a co-worker at ZEMOS98. Continue Reading..
Núria Campabadal is a videomaker and video editor from Barcelona. Continue Reading..
Guillermo Zapata is a spanish screenwriter and film director. He has worked in televisión and New Media since 2003 and directed three Short Films (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2008051/) and several video-clips. Continue Reading..
Sofía Coca (@preescolar). She is part of ZEMOS98 since 2005. BA in Journalism from the University of Seville.Continue Reading..
Mario Munera is a photo and video journalist, collaborating with some different media as eldiario.es, RT or Diagonal Periódico. He is also a producer and developer of web and desktop applications. Continue Reading..